

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 5 years, 7 months ago


   Letter PDSC_0695Rletter tn24egold rletter S 


  in Prose and Poetry  [1]



What We Publish


A place to publish powerful writing.  At this site we will publish our wonderful words.  We will share phrases, paragraphs, essays, poems, reports, etc with the goal of acknowledging the style within that makes the piece a picture in the reader's mind.  By discovering and recognizing the styles we do well, we can move on to more powerful writing in our new pieces.



What We Read


Take your time to peruse the prose and poetry to find a style of interest to you.  Read the text and comment on the words that wander in your mind and make movies you see and understand.  Let the author know what you liked by writing a comment. That's all: we're about recognition and encouragement.


What We Write


After finding a fantastic style or choosing from your assignments, put your pen to your paper and create your own writing using style and voice. You may want to try the style of one of the peers' work you have read. Follow the format the genre dictates. Then publish your piece on your own page for someone else to acknowledge. In the comment section, write what you tried to do and what you hope the reader will see in content, organization, and style. Let the author know if you tried their technique with a comment on his/her page. Take a chance: writing well takes practice, just like a two-point lay-up takes practice for your basketball team.


Before We Start


Of course, we have our rules.  Please be certain you have read and agreed to our Internet Etiequette.  You also need on file your school's technology permission slip from registration.  Ask me; I'll let you know what you need to join the writing.



A Note To Parents


Please read the Internet Etiequette for information on your child's responsibilities and safety.  Please report any concerns you may have. The site is password protected so only approved users can participate.  Student names are coded.  Parents, please request to be added to the wiki by contacting through email your teacher: Ms. Edwards ms_edwards@mac.com  or Mrs. Trefz ktrefz@pdsmemphis.org



Wiki Project Links


PDS: 75 Students

NSD: 12 Students

Wiki Etiquette

I was I am I will Directions

PDS: I was, I am , I will pages

NSD: I was I am I will pages

Reflections and Questions for Nespelem Questions and Answers



LH Reflections Directions

LH Reflections pages



Please check in to see how we progress from draft to final projects.



"Clip art on site licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com"   Logos from our respective schools.



Eagles Write

To be renewed...


"Man is never truly himself except when he is actively creating something.” ~ Dorothy Sayers, mystery author



  1. Words from flickr http://metaatem.net/words/partners

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